Hey SCARS, Look at me now! In June 2017, SCARS volunteers found me all on my own. I was so young, but not afraid of anything. I was an outgoing pup from the beginning, ready to make my mark on the world! Or on my new daddy’s face! When I first met my potential parents I liked them right away and knew if I put my mark on one of them, they would just have to take me home! And they did! I have gotten better with not nipping everyone. My parents tell me people don’t like that, who knew?

Over the past year, I have passed Puppy level 1 and 2 at the top of my class, and think I will do great at agility or search and rescue classes. I am also a pro at the trampoline. Recently I taught my parents to play fetch, but they haven’t figured out how to drop the cookie, no cookie, no ball. What are they thinking?

My mom takes me trail running often and I love pulling her into the bushes to hunt down the squirrels. I am getting much better and not being so rough with her. I forget she only has two legs and can’t move as fast as me.

My Daddy and I play in the backyard constantly. He moves so fast but he still can’t catch me! Mom tells me I look like daddy. I don’t see it. I am way more handsome, everyone tells me so.

My favourite things: search and destroy, there is nothing better than shaking a stuffed animal and seeing the white stuff go everywhere! I could sit for hours just pulling out the stuffing! My parents don’t seem to mind as I get a new one every month or so. I love couch cuddles and sleeping inbetween mom and dad in the bed. They say they mind but I know they don’t. I am happiest when everyone is together.

Dislikes: People with Hats. I don’t know why I just don’t like that fashion statement.

Kryptonite: Paper and paper products. As soon as everyone is out of the house, I must find all manner of paper products and destroy them. I just can’t help myself. Mom and dad put up some baby gates to let me know that there are certain areas which contain so many papers and books (mom calls it her office) I cannot touch. Even though I can easily jump over the baby gate, I respect that mom wants to play with paper too.