Hi SCARS, I adopted Koda back in February and I wanted to give you an update and I’m hoping that you can pass it along to her foster home. ....
Hi SCARS, I adopted Koda back in February and I wanted to give you an update and I’m hoping that you can pass it along to her foster home. ....
Hi SCARS, We just wanted to send an update on two kitties we adopted from you guys! Luna (all grey) has been part of our family since September 2018. ....
*WARNING - GRAPHIC PHOTOS* In rescue you see a lot of horrific things and Sugar's case is no different.Sugar came into care earlier this week needing immediate medical attention. ....
Please welcome Lionel to the SCARS family! Lionel came into care in early June and it was immediately evident he needed medical help. At barely 2 years old, Lionel ....
Meet Kemble! This beautiful dog came into our care in late May 2020 because his leg was attached to a trap. We think the trap was attached for nearly ....
Hello SCARS, Frits (formerly Donut) was adopted in February out of the baker’s dozen litter! He is a happy, healthy 6-month-old pup. Thanks to his foster mom and the ....
It's the Canada Helps Great Canadian Giving Challenge! Every $1* donated in June is a chance to WIN! Donate to SCARS during June through Canada Helps and automatically give ....
Hello SCARS! I was so so tiny when I was adopted in 2018. I am doing amazing here at my new home. I am now two years old and ....
Our volunteers got together on May 30th to paint pet shelters that will be used for our Walls 4 Winter program. This day would not have been possible without: ....
Hello SCARS, Many years ago, I think it was 2007, our family saw a picture of a beautiful Border Collie X on your website. I enquired about him and ....