jessica caines

About Jessica Caines

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So far Jessica Caines has created 249 blog entries.


Hello SCARS, Early in 2021, I had been working from home for many months and got the itch to get a second dog. I told my husband it would ....


Dixie Speck

Hello SCARS, Dixie Speck signing in to let you all know how I am doing, and I am well. I still rule the roost, so to speak. I’m still ....

Dixie Speck2021-12-19T13:40:25-07:00


Hello SCARS, We wanted to send you a message to let you know about the passing of one of the dogs that you rescued; not only because we know ....

Gidgey TRIBUTE2021-12-12T14:02:16-07:00


Hello SCARS, Rubble here. I was surrendered to SCARS in July after the SCARS volunteers had been watching out for me for two years.  Thanks to SCARS, I was ....


Leia (formerly Ash)

Hello SCARS, Leia (formerly Ash of Bronwyn’s litter) is settling in very nicely with our family and her older fur-brother, Lenny. She’s an absolute sweetheart. Thank you for saving ....

Leia (formerly Ash)2021-12-12T13:48:13-07:00


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