I’m Assassin. I’m not sure how I got my name but it’s ironic that I was the one that someone tried to assassinate! SCARS got a call about me from a community that it visits regularly. Community members turn to SCARS for help with spay/neuter of owned pets and with rehoming of unwanted or abandoned pets.

When a community member noticed that I was rapidly losing weight and showing weakness in my back legs, they turned to SCARS for help.

I had no obvious injuries. My veterinary team did blood and urine tests, and took X-rays of my back legs, but couldn’t find anything wrong. Then they decided to x-ray my upper body. Turns out I had been shot in the neck at some point. We outdoor dogs can do a pretty good job hiding our pain so I likely didn’t show any obvious signs of injury when I was hurt.

Sadly, the bullet fragments have caused some nerve damage that is impacting my back legs. Because of my special needs, I was surrendered to SCARS.

I have managed to gain some weight and I’m a happy, gentle dog! I do walk a bit funny and I will never be able to jump and play like a normal dog, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have a bright future.

Please donate to SCARS so they can help dogs like me and watch for me soon on the adoptable pets section of their website! I’m a sweet, 8-yr-old lab cross that is looking for a forever home! I’m a large dog that weighs about 90 lbs.