Meet Alistar.
*WARNING Graphic Images
This boy was definitely was in need of urgent veterinary care. Alistar is a young very sweet guy who we think was hit by a vehicle. Besides the obvious protruding eye, he also has a broken pelvis and dislocated hip. He is currently at the Athabasca Veterinary Clinic being taken care of. 🆘🆘🆘🆘 Click here to donate towards his care.

January 10/22… Hi, it’s Alistar. I thought I would give you an update! First of all, I want to thank you for all your positive thoughts. My foster parents say I’m a trooper! I am resting most of the day, but I already know how to tell them when it’s time to go outside. They carry me out, I do my business right away, and then they carry me back in. It’s teamwork! I am taking my medicine no problem, have a healthy appetite, and even though there are some stitches in my tail, I wag it ALL the time. I’m only about 10 months old so life can only go uphill from here! I am learning to see everything with one eye and I am working on my depth perception. Today I even played with toys for a little bit for the first time! So overall, I am doing OK, and I am slowly on my way to recovery. Stay tuned as I navigate my new journey!

January 15 update on Alistar! He is doing well considering his circumstances! Summary: Hit by a car, lost an eye, dislocated a hip & a broken pelvis! 😣 His eye has now been removed, his hip remains in place so far 🙏🏻 and his pelvis should also heal quickly! He is a super sweet dog. He’s becoming more and more curious, learning to play, discovered that shoes are a fun toy & his tail is always wagging! Thanks for all the support for him! More updates soon!

Jan 21, 2022 update…“Hi, it’s Alistar! I thought I would give you another update. My hip is still healing, my pelvis is still hurting (but not as much as in the beginning), BUT I am starting to walk confidently on all fours again. I am starting to be a puppy. Shoes are THE BEST to chew. Although, I’m not always allowed. Not sure why. Also, those blue bags full of recycling, those are so fun! So many cool things to pull out and chew. My foster sister doesn’t quite understand why I’m not playing with her yet, but she is very nice and I like her very much. She brings me toys to play with every day. Tomorrow, I am going to the vet to have my stitches taken out of my eye and my tail. I’m sad that I lost my eye, but my foster dad says “chicks dig scars” so that makes me feel good. My eye healed very nicely and will be less itchy once the stitches are out. I will still be healing for another few weeks, so please don’t apply for me yet. Stay tuned for more updates! Thank you for all the support! My foster family reads me the kind words every day! XOX”
January 26, 2022 update… Hi, it’s Alistar again. Unfortunately, I did not receive good news yesterday. The vet told me that my hip “popped out” and is not in the right place. I require surgery. We knew this was a possibility as I was putting most of my weight on my three “good legs” for the last couple days. But I’m still bummed because that means I still need to wait and heal a bit longer to be able to finally play and go for walks. Please keep me in your thoughts and if you could donate to my surgery, I would be super grateful!