Hello SCARS,  Alistair came into our lives on August 17, 2007 at about two years of age…and life was never the same . We adopted him from Second Chance Animal Rescue so our little Dudley would have a companion. It didn’t take much for Alistair to fall in love with Dudley and in turn Dudley tolerated Al. All joking aside, it wasn’t long before I’d say they were a bonded pair.  Alistair came into our home with odd behaviours and a real lack of trust in humans (especially men). It appeared he had been mistreated in his past. He definitely had a unique personality and was often happiest being a little stinker. He loved barking, getting dirty (he did like to go rolling in cow droppings at the farm near our cabin, walked in the driveway with a smile on his face) going for walks, having treats and he loved to keep track of his family. He always kept guests in our home on their toes – no moving around too much without Alistair letting them know he sees them. That little dog was more work than we bargained for, for sure. There were many trying times with him but I knew that if we couldn’t love him he may never know love. Alistair was loved for forever.

My partner said it well, “You know, I always loved Alistair but the past years I’ve fallen in love with him.” I couldn’t say it any better. He made such an impact in our family. He loved us fully and we loved him so very very much. I truly believe that Al could sense when others were sad and hurting, he had a way to always hang around longer or just be with you when you needed a little extra love. My memories of him are all good, the tough times don’t matter anymore. Our little friend’s health had been deteriorating steadily the past months. His frail little body was weakening and he was getting tired. On Monday April 20, 2020 we said goodbye to Alistair. My heart feels broken and I feel so so sad.