September 19, 2024 Update
Well, friends thought I should give you a quick update. Last you heard, I was at the vet, on iv, fighting pain and infection. Fast forward a bit, and things are much brighter. I stayed at the vet hospital for about a week, but I have now moved to my foster home. There is a lot of recovery ahead. I have a big wound from the dog attack, but the prognosis for healing is good.
I am liking my foster home, but between you and me I think my foster mom might be hiding drugs in my food. I don’t know, but i wonder…. She gives me great appetizers before each meal super tasty, but I bit one once rather than just gulping it down. Shockingly, i discovered a pill. She was like all surprised… How did that get in there? Then slipped me another treat so I didn’t really have time to think about it.
The other odd thing I have noticed is that she makes me wear this plastic thing around my neck and head. She said all the fashionable dogs wear them….like the cool dogs. I am suspicious….firstly because none of the other dogs here are wearing plastic cones. Secondly… I am not sure I should be taking fashion advice from someone who only wears yoga pants, hoodies, and hiking boots, randomly accessorized with dog fur and slobber.
Anyway, I am feeling much better. If you have any fashion advice for me or thoughts on the whole possibility of pills in my treats, I would be happy to hear them. Foster mom does read me the comments. Chat soon Alejandro.
August 26, 2024 – *Warning: Graphic Images*
Friends, it has been a rollercoaster ride—the last few days have been non-stop ups and downs. Alejandro is the name they chose for me, and here is my story:
I was found on a highway, frightened and alone. The people who stopped to pick me up assumed I had been dumped there. No one appeared to be looking for me. They took me to their home and posted on social media, looking for my owners. I thought it was all going to be okay, but the resident dog took a dislike to me and attacked.
The thing about dog bites is that sometimes, on the surface, they don’t look that bad. A couple of puncture wounds, a little tender, a few drops of blood, and it appears there isn’t much damage. It is an easy mistake to make. The damage actually lurks below the surface of the skin where the force of the bite has destroyed tissue. With no open wound and only a couple of puncture holes, the infection builds. This is exactly what happened to me.
I made the acquaintance of SCARS when no one came forward claiming to be my owner, and when it was realized that the bite wound was critically serious. SCARS saw my sweet eyes and my pain and took me in. It helped that a foster home that takes medical cases had just successfully sent their foster to its forever home, so there would be a spot for me.
I am currently under the care of the team at Westlock Veterinary Center. I am going to be here for a while. I have a raging infection, requiring IV antibiotics and pain control. My wound can only be described as nasty and needs hydro therapy. It is in a really bad spot on my front elbow, which is a tough area to heal.
I am hoping the rollercoaster ride is levelling out; I have had my fill of ups and downs.