Jan. 25 update… A happy story for Robbie Burns day… it’s been one week today since I came into care. What a difference 7 days has made. I am bright, alert, have already learned several commands, and figured out how to play with toys for the first time today. I’m starting to look more like a cute puppy, and less like a Frankendog! Foster mom says I am going to have the most amazing before and after pics.

January 20/19 – I know the sight of me is a bit shocking, but please do not look away. I’m exactly the type of pup that needs your help the most.

I’m likely a sister to Lola and Sprite, but in worse shape because I was brought into care two weeks later. I was emaciated and dehydrated when I arrived at my foster home on Friday, January 19. And I have a TERRIBLE case of demodex mange.

One thing you can’t tell from my photos is just how bad I smelled. My demodex is severe and my skin infected, hence the smell. Thankfully, there were caring people who could look past my sore skin and unpleasant odor. They believed I was worth saving!

I am likely three to four months old. Foster mom is taking great care of me. I received a medicated bath and she is putting coconut oil on my skin to help it heal. I’m also getting antibiotics and other medications to help me recover.

I am starting to feel better and “safer,” and my overall energy is picking up. I’m gaining more confidence every day.

I am a really smart pup and have already learned to walk nicely on a leash. I have even almost mastered “sit.”

My foster mom named me Aberdeen after the city in Scotland. It is beautiful, but known as The Granite City, because many of its buildings are made from granite from a nearby quarry. She thought that was fitting for a tough little survivor like me. That, and because it’s Robbie Burns day this Friday, so you know, a Scottish name was timely.

Please donate to SCARS if you want to help innocent souls like me.