Meet the lucky ones! On August 14, we responded to a plea to help three starving dogs who had been abandoned at a rural home two months ago. We also helped four adult cats along with kittens that had all been abandoned in another part of the community. These pets are lucky because our adoptions remain slow, and we simply DO NOT have enough foster home space.
Our current focus is emergency intakes, adoption returns and our spay-neuter-return program. Animals at rural pounds have been waiting for months to come into our care and we are experiencing an unprecedented number of daily intake requests. There have also been recent increases to our veterinary fees. This adds up to a grim summer for animals and our intake staff and volunteers. In some cases, people who contact us are abusive and threatening. In all cases, the requests break our hearts because we want to help. We have never seen it this bad before. We empathize with people who are desperate to rehome animals, and we are doing our best to offer kindness and support.
On a brighter note, we are close to being able to open our new rescue facility in Morinville that will allow us to increase intake, but the long-term solution to this crisis is more adoptions and a reduction in the number of unwanted pets through spay and neuter.
You can help SCARS today by:
- Adopting
- Supporting our Spay-Neuter-Return program that reduces pet overpopulation
- Volunteering (especially if you can foster or want to help at our new facility)
- Donating! Becoming a monthly donor or donating supplies
- Supporting our raffles and events
- Spaying or neutering your own pets and encouraging others to do the same
- Sharing our social media posts!