It isn’t often that we are at a loss for words, but every once in a while it happens. In animal rescue, very often when we find an animal in need, we find a human in need. We approach ever situation with compassion and understanding. Sometimes we are just disappointed.
It is tough in rescue right now, all groups are full. Adoptions have slowed in the summer and people are returning to work. There are more animals in need than there is room. Not just at SCARS, but throughout the animal rescue community there are waiting lists for spots.
This week, someone deliberately abandoned four, barely six-week-old kittens at an area vet clinic. And by abandoned we mean dropped them inside the door and left. The clinic staff reached out to SCARS for help and you know we said yes. These 4 little ones are not to blame, so we will lovingly give them their Second Chance.
Please be responsible, spay and neuter your pets to prevent unwanted litters in the first place. Abandoning animals is never acceptable. If your home has room, please consider adopting now. These animals need you. They come to you full of love, fully vetted and spayed or neutered, so you won’t find yourself with an unexpected litter.