Please welcome Lionel to the SCARS family!
Lionel came into care in early June and it was immediately evident he needed medical help. At barely 2 years old, Lionel had the hips of a little old man. His hips would audibly crack and pop when he moved. He wasn’t able to jump and play like a normal young cat and was in quite a bit of pain, but SCARS was there to get him the help he needed.
❤️On June 2, Lionel underwent a very successful double Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO), wherein the heads of both his femurs were removed. This was major and expensive surgery and it allows scar tissue to slowly form to take the place of the femoral heads to stabilize his legs again. It sounds really scary, but cats are amazingly adaptable and do very well with this surgery. Most cats show very little, to no signs that they even had surgery once fully healed from the FHO!
❤️Lionel is on the road to recovery & is now almost 2 weeks post-surgery and is doing great! He’s up and moving around and even gets up to a brief trot every now and then. He loves playing with toys, laying in the sun, and hanging out with the resident cat. But most of all, Lionel loves cuddles. He’s still a little too sore for extended lap cuddles but he happily spends all day glued to his foster mom and soaks up all the love and attention he can get. He’s a gentle, loving boy who will make a great addition to the right family soon!
❤️Lionel still needs a little bit more time to recover, but he will be accepting applications shortly. Keep an eye out for this handsome boy on the SCARS website!
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