Hi SCARS, I got my mom to type this letter to you, cause I’d like to let Sylvia know how I’m doing now.

I know when you met me I was so afraid, but things have really changed for me! Thank you so much for having me stay with Crystal & James to get my bearings, they are the best foster family ever! I needed all the love and attention they gave me, and the security of knowing I had a wonderful home whether anyone wanted to adopt me or not. I’m so happy I still get to see them at the dog park!

My forever home is pretty amazing too! There’s a good meal twice a day, and treats galore—I smile a lot now, especially at breakfast—then supper.  Mitzi the cat likes me and lets me wash her ears whenever I want, and my SCARS brother Tugg is a super guy (me & Mitzi agree he’s also totally spoiled, but don’t tell him).  He is really patient with me, and we like to chill together on the bed when I’m not catching a nap with Mitzi.

Tugg & I play like crazy in the yard, and even more at the dog park where our favourite activity is tag teaming other dogs—sometimes we get carried away and mom yells “for 2 cents, I’ll put you guys on leash!” We don’t know what that means but I hope it never happens. I have gone from growling at everyone I meet to checking out lots of people, but always the bum first. Tugg tells me it’s the polite thing to do.

I still don’t really like little people or strollers, but since my new vet (she’s so nice!) had to pull out my broken canine tooth (and a BB pellet from my lip), my people say I get a pass, cause despite my tender years I’ve obviously had a rough start. I got to keep the tooth and the pellet—and my new nickname is “our little badass” which is so cool. I really ramped up my badass status when I broke into a box of chocolate girl guide cookies last week & had to go to the emergency vet to throw up & get charcoal—that was not nearly as tasty as the cookies but still pretty good! I would not recommend this to other dogs, it will upset your people.

I have so many friends now! I see Ranger, Poppy, Hunter (he’s so dreamy), Nash, Duke, Georgia, Dina, Walker & Obi several nights a week at the dog park—they are a blast to play with, and their people are awesome to me. Mostly I love to hang out on the couch with my family every night—the cuddles here are top notch, just like the food. Some days I’m still anxious—but my people just give me more cuddles whenever I need them.

I think this is going to be a really good year for me. I’m so grateful for SCARS, and wish all the dogs in foster care a loving happy new home in 2019.