By Amanda Matwie

In 2013, Cherie Robinson and her husband adopted a dog from Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS). In August 2020, after the other dog in their home passed away, the SCARS alumni dog was extremely lonely and in need of a buddy. Naturally, Cherie thought of SCARS. She was perusing the website in search of a new canine companion when she came across a post asking for volunteers. “They (SCARS) were starting to get so many requests for animal intakes,” Cherie says, and “As an animal lover, I wanted to help in any way I could.” She attended the next online volunteer orientation session and signed on as a volunteer that night.

Though Cherie’s primary focus lately has been participating on all the planning committees for fundraising events, she is also on the social media team and posts the “Look at Me Now” posts, which you can find here. You may have spotted Cherie at one of the many SCARS Adoption Events, assisting wherever she is needed, whether that be handling dogs or wrangling cats. She has often transported animals to and from adoption events and tries to attend as many as possible. She volunteers frequently at the cat program at PetSmart, where some SCARS cats wait for their forever homes once they have been spayed/neutered and vaccinated.

“I have learned through rescue work just how passionate I am about animal welfare,” says Cherie, adding “I will continue to be an advocate for them by making people aware of how urgent the crisis is (for) homeless, abandoned, injured, and neglected animals.” She is passionate about being a voice against animal cruelty and wishes that more people knew about all the ways that animals can be helped through the volunteer driven programs that SCARS has in place. The Walls for Winter, Spay-Neuter-Return, Sanctuary Animal, and Working Cats programs all help countless animals. To help fund these programs, as well as emergencies and day-to-day rescue operations, SCARS runs raffles and a steady stream of fundraising events.

“Rescue work can be very rewarding when you see the results of your efforts and (know) you did your part to help animals in need,” she says, though she admits “not every day has its happy ending.” Seeing the animals that come into care scared, injured, and neglected to the point of giving up on life is difficult; but watching those same animals receive love and care, learn to trust, and return to a state of healthy and happiness gives that work purpose.

“When an animal you have tried to help doesn’t survive it is heartbreaking,” Cherie acknowledges, but assures me that “knowing that the animal is no longer suffering, and you did all you could do for it, gives a sense of comfort.” The reality of animal rescue work is that it doesn’t end. “You keep going because there are always so many more that need your help,” Cherie points out, promising that she will continue to help animals in need for as long as she is able.










Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS), like most animal rescues here in Alberta, operates primarily through the efforts of volunteers. These volunteers do everything from walking dogs and cuddling kittens to opening their homes to provide temporary placements for animals. Learn more about volunteering for SCARS.