November 22, 2022 Update…
Turkey is available for adoption applications! Her infected wounds have completely healed, she was treated for a severe case of doggie lice, and as she gained strength, she even started using her legs properly! Because she was so weak for much of her puppy life, she’s a bit behind with training and development. But boy oh boy is she smart and is learning things so quickly now that she’s healthy!
October 25, 2022 Update…
Turkey was at the vet again yesterday and we decided to book a CT scan at the emergency vet. Something neurologically just isn’t making sense right now. She’s slowly getting stronger but there are concerns with the way she walks, runs and acts. She also has Demodex; poor girl! But she’s in the best hands in the best foster home!
October 13, 2022 Update…
Turkey has been moved into a foster home for more monitoring because she is very weak. We aren’t sure if there are neurological issues or if she’s just very weak. Her leg is also a concern. We really hope she can get big and strong and fight through this!
October 12, 2022 Update…
This little pup has been named Turkey. She had multiple holes in her neck from being attacked by dogs. We are very happy to announce that she was able to leave the vet. We do anticipate that she may need a leg amputation, her front leg isn’t working like the others but we will wait till she is a bit bigger and stronger to re-evaluate. We also were able to reintroduce her tonight to her 7 siblings; all of which are safe in the hands of our team at the Morinville Rescue Centre Location. They’re all being monitored and being given lots of love.
October 8, 2022…
Todays emergency! This tiny girl just arrived at the vet clinic. We are hoping we are not too late. She has a hole in her neck that we assume is infected.