Hello SCARS, Ever wonder if after the story the Hollywood ending was real. Is there really a happily ever after?  Hey friends, it’s me Pilot and I am here to tell you happily ever after is real. I am the star of my very own Cinderella story from rags to riches. Who remembers my rescue story?

For those of you who don’t remember, last summer I was viciously attacked by a pack of free roaming dogs. Left for dead, I dragged myself to an area home. Through SCARS’s work in the community, the people knew who to call and SCARS rushed to my rescue. Tremendous skill and compassion from the team at Lloydminster Vet pulled me back from the brink as my life teetered in the balance. Months of follow-up care with the Westlock Vet Center team brought me the rest of the way home. Home to foster care, who just couldn’t let me go after they met me.

Life of Pilot – After the story.

I can’t believe my life these days. It’s everything a dog could ever hope for. I have, warmth, soft beds, food – glorious, tasty food – available every single day, friends to play with, and love, so much love.

I greet each day, just like it is Christmas morning, with unbounded joy and excitement.  And really why wouldn’t I, we live in a beautiful world filled with kind souls and brilliant opportunities.

One might think that after being a victim of a dog attack, I might not like other dogs, but nothing could be farther from the truth. I am so kind and I adore other dogs, especially my dog sister, Karma, but I regard all new dogs as friends I haven’t met yet.

Mobility is a bit of a problem for me, the energy it takes for a large dog to move with a front amputation is a lot. You know I don’t want to miss out on any family activities, and no one wants to leave me behind. I am lucky to have a stroller for large dogs to help on the “long walks” with Karma. I love it. I leap in and out, take a break and snooze if I am tired, leap out and run and join the fun when I want.

My other favourite activities are meal time, snuggles, playing tug, and holding space with my family (that might mean trying to crawl into their laps on the couch). I share a special bond with each of my family members.

My story has always been one of hope, resilience, community, and people doing their very best, just because it is the right thing to do.

I hope you are all well. Living my best life – with deepest gratitude.
