We are very sad to announce of our SCARS Ambassador dog, Barney. He attended numerous SCARS events and we all adored him. From Linda, his wonderful mom:
“Barney – In March 2010, Barney came to us to foster. He had been a stray picked up in the Lac La Biche dump and rescued by SCARS. I recall the lady who had picked him up saying “you got the cute puppy.” Despite where he’d been found he was the happiest little guy. On the way home he sat across the back window of the car telling off anyone who had the affrontery to pass us. Needless to say, we became “foster fails”. We continued to foster and he was “Uncle Barney” to numerous rescue puppies teaching them all the ins and outs to being good doggie “citizens.” He was our constant companion, never missing the opportunity for a car ride. He loved ice cream and chicken nuggets. He had three big girls in his life – Roxy, Bella and most recently, Lady Samantha. He always took care of them. His big adventure was when he and Roxy went missing in a winter storm. We searched for three days thinking they were lost forever. It was an immense relief when on the third day, we spotted them together slowly making their way home. The thirst for adventure stopped with Roxy preferring life in front of the fireplace. In recent years, Barney became an “ambassador” for SCARS joining Lady Samantha doing public presentations, primarily to school groups. He loved children and the attention. He always seemed to have a smile on his face. He loved everyone. He will be missed. RIP Little Man.”