Hello SCARS,

I just wanted to thank you for saving my best friend. We adopted Honey over two years ago now and I don’t regret a single day. The kids think she is the best thing in the world too (don’t ask about what the hubby thinks – LOL). When we first got her, she worked so hard to learn all the rules and fit in. It was like she knew this was her forever home and she wanted to be a good girl.

We made the decision to see if she could be comfortable outside of her crate while we weren’t home and gradually, over time, learned that was her preference and she behaved so well. She had ruined a couple of items of clothing but then soon learned that not all items were hers. She also had some accidents in the house as I learned how she communicated when she needed to go out. We went for regular walks, sometimes twice a day. I think going from being a free roamer to living in a home can be stressful and the walks helped with her stress.

Fast forward to now and I couldn’t have asked for a better companion. She barks when strangers come in the yard and can appear quite protective (which is what we want) and she is also the biggest cuddle bug. She also has a great sense of humor and likes to tease and she is always game for a walk or a bike ride. I can’t imagine life without her!

I know Honey had a tough life before this one and every now and then we see a glimmer of it when there is a person walking away wearing coveralls or if someone is wielding a rake in the yard. I wish I could take all that past trauma away from her but at least now she is living the good life.

Thank you for getting Honey to be a part of our family!