Hello SCARS, We adopted Bailey (formerly Holly) almost a year ago from SCARS on April 1st, 2020. From the moment we brought her home, she’s brought so much joy into our lives. She’s quite the character! She’s come such a long way in her first year with us. She was fairly shy at first in getting used to her new surroundings, but since then she’s come out of her shell so much! At first she wouldn’t walk on her leash and pancaked when we tried to walk her. But with time and patience, she eventually learned to walk on her leash and now loves going on walks! Bailey absolutely adores her brother, Dash, who is also a rescue. She’s always happiest playing with him, especially at the dog park. She loves treats of any kind and playing with her treat ball. She always greets us at the door with a smile and lots of kisses. We can’t thank SCARS enough for everything you do and for bringing Bailey into our lives.