I am a SCARS rescue mom of a pint sized staffy named MJ (who we adopted in July of 2020) and two cats named Evy and Killian (adopted from EHS a few years ago). I have a fiancé named Ben, and we are getting married this October with however many guests we are legally allowed – ha-ha!
I officially started volunteering for SCARS in November 2020 or least that’s when I took on my first active role as a Purdy’s Chocolate “pick up location” for our Christmas fundraiser. I recently started helping with our Facebook page(s) as well so you may have already spoken to me and didn’t even know it!!
I started volunteering for SCARS because I admire what they do and how they do it to help animals. Whether that’s going the extra step to educate communities or sending out warm shelters for the northern outdoor pets when the temperatures get below uncomfortable, even for them. It just warms my heart every time I see a huge animal intake and then all the interest from potential adopters online. I can’t wait to see how I can help out SCARS in the future with their meaningful mission to help those who can’t ask for it themselves.
Thank you SCARS! The supporters and my fellow volunteers are the unsung heroes these fur babies need!