January 2021 – This kitty was brought into Range Road Vet who then contacted SCARS. Vegas had been hit by a car. We contacted Pulse Veterinary Specialists & Emergency and rushed him to their care because of his severe oral trauma. Vegas received a CT scan and oral evaluation under general anesthesia to identify the underlying injuries.
There were severe lacerations of the soft palate. There were numerous fractures of the hard palate, nasal, maxillary, and pterygoid bones. There was a fractured canine tooth that was treated with vital pulp therapy.
The lacerations have been repaired and a feeding tube has been placed to allow Vegas to receive water and food during the healing process!!
Vegas is not ready for adoption yet as he is still in recovery. Please keep him in your thoughts during this time.
March 12, 2021 update. It’s me, Vegas!I know it’s been a while and some of you might be wondering how I’m doing, so here’s an update. I’m doing well post getting hit by a car. My mouth injuries have healed & I was able to get rid of that pesky feeding tube a while ago! Thankful for Pulse Vet for getting me all sorted. Unfortunately, the cost of the surgery exceeded $3,500! That although was the beginning of my mysterious digestive issues.
Things were going fine while I was getting fed with the tube, and I was going fine in the litter box, but the place where the tube came into my neck was getting infected and that made it itchy and it was so hard not to scratch at my collar. They decided to take out the tube. It went OK, but nothing tasted good to me!
I started having diarrhea… and I ended up with a fever and decided to stop eating. You see, my foster mom foolishly thought it would be a good idea to try putting my diarrhea medication into my food. Because I’m such a strong boy, I was giving her a hard time and she didn’t want to touch my mouth because it was still healing. So I got rushed to the emergency room at Pulse Vet where they checked me over, gave me a shot of antibiotics, and an appetite stimulant and some really yummy food to get me going again. And this is the part I’m not so happy with: the vet said I was healed enough that my foster mom could do “whatever she needed to” to get the medicine in my mouth and to never put medicine into my food again.
They think I didn’t hear them…but I was listening.
The next 4 days were pretty rough, and I fought like you wouldn’t believe… but she had a helper to hold me down and she really knows her stuff, so they got the medicine into me, and even though I TOLD them over and over again that it wouldn’t help, they still did it, and it didn’t help.
I STILL had diarrhea every day and it was getting worse. So then they changed my food, and put me on another medicine and that didn’t help. They gave me dewormer & more antibiotics, more steroids and those helped a little, but I still poop pudding. The good news is, now I’m eating well, I like the hypoallergenic food they give me, and I need more than the bag says because I still have diarrhea and it goes through me too fast. So now we’re trying to figure out why I’m still having diarrhea, it’s been a long road…
I’m a really smart guy and have shown my foster mom all of the places that are dangerous for a cat like me. I talk to them a lot, and they’re finally figuring out what I have to say. It’s pretty easy really, I mostly just want them to feed me or sit down so I can have a lap to snooze on. Sometimes I tell them about what I’m seeing outside the window or that their resident cat is bothering me on the other side of the door.
Sometimes I just want them to throw the paper ball around so I can chase it and practice my dribbling (I’m really good!).
If you could help out by helping SCARS, I would really appreciate it. You can donate money, or order my special food from the vet, anything would help.
Because I’m a really sweet fun guy who totally deserves a second chance and to find a furever home.
I just want to make sure that I’m in tip top shape before I go there!!
Food: Royal Canin veterinary hypoallergenic hydrolyzed protein (Only sold at Vet clinics! If you want to purchase this food for me, please email us at donations@scarscare.ca). Or please donate directly at www.scarscare.ca/donate.