We are very sad to share that a beloved member of our SCARS family passed away on December 18, 2020. Myrna Coombs loved animals and cared about their welfare throughout her life.

She had over 50 years of volunteer experience including 35 years on the boards of a variety of organizations related to family, community and personal interests.

Myrna was a member of our volunteer board of directors for over seven years, serving most recently as our chair. For the past nine years, she volunteered on our animal transport team and drove thousands of kilometres over the years to bring hundreds of animals into care. She often transported animals on short notice and over great distances. As well, she was a foster home supervisor who personally fostered over 400 puppies and kittens. No small feat.

Myrna provided us with sound governance advice. She also provided support and guidance to our volunteers and adopters, and gave animals a safe place to heal. She led a selfless and giving life. We loved Myrna a lot and are so grateful to have known her. She will be sadly missed.