Sept. 16, 2020 – Hi I’m Perch. So about me… I’m the laid back, easy going, happy-go-lucky, love life guy in the pack. Whether it’s a pack of one or a pack of more it doesn’t matter. I just want to be part of it. I sleep through the night in my crate, walk pretty good on a leash, come when you whistle (mostly), am house trained and love, love, love being with you. I might whine a bit when you leave but it doesn’t take me long to settle down and wait for your return.

So about my leg… First I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to SCARS, veterinarians, volunteers and all the people whose donations make it so a little guy like me can live a great life, indeed giving me a “second chance” where there was none. THANK YOU!

I will be seeing a lovely vet soon to find out what will be the best for me. I do have some nerve damage and there is no feeling in my paw but it doesn’t hurt or stop me from having fun, playing fetch, wrestling with my dog buddies and getting belly rubs from my foster family. I just do everything a bit slower and take my time, especially with those belly rubs…sigh!

Sept. 19 update: Hi Everyone, Perch here! Well, its a official…I’m a cone head! ???? First, again a big thank you to everyone who sent in donations, love, prayers and all that positive energy that allowed a dog like me, a stray, to have this great life. Hugs and big slobbery wet kisses to all of you!!! ???? I saw the vet on September 16 to see what should be done with my leg. Because of the extensive nerve damage, it was decided that an amputation was the best thing. Yes indeed, it was the best thing, as you can see it has not slowed me down one bit. I’m just so happy! My leg didn’t hurt me, but was sooo in my way, and kept tripping me up. Now you should see me roll over, run, jump around and wiggle on the grass. I even managed the stairs, with ease, much to foster mom’s chagrin. I’m not suppose to be acting like such a crazy puppy yet but I feel so free.???? I have another couple weeks of healing. Then stitches out and I’m off … living the best life ever.  Lots of love, Perch!