July 20, 2020
It is with a heavy heart we said goodbye to LINK.Link was found in a ditch after being hit. He suffered a fractured pelvis, which vets had been treating.
The damage was more than originally thought… He also had nerve damage to a front leg that he could not use. Thank you to the vets at the Westlock Veterinary Center for doing everything you could for Link. Thank you for all the donations and support! ???? He can now run free. ????
July 15, 2020
????Update on Link!????
X-rays were done again because he would not get up and was in a lot of pain. It was discovered he has a fractured pelvis.Right now he’s resting & being hand-fed because he’s a very picky eater. Time will tell how fast this older fella heals! Please keep him in your thoughts!
July 13, 2020
????*Emergency* ????
Meet Link. Early this morning we got a call about 2 dogs who were hit by vehicles! Both in different areas!! One was spotted in the ditch by a driver at 5 am. Link was found lying in a puddle and couldn’t move. We have since rushed them to emergency vet care. Thank you to the MD Animal Control for the assistance & our volunteer driver Liza. Also, huge shout out to Westlock Veterinary Center for taking them in!
His accident caused some severely bruised lungs and more secondary infections. He is also anemic. These injuries, combined with his older age (7+) left him in a weakened state where he was potentially attacked by a group of young healthy dogs. We are still very concerned about his well-being, and while he is not out of the woods yet we are optimistic that some intensive on-going care over the next little while will have him on the mend. Keep these two in your thoughts, and watch for more updates! Thank you so much for your donations and support.